Passionate PeopleOur company
We are a family business. Passionate about what we do and proud of how we do it. Owners of our destiny and responsible for our decisions and results. Creators and distributors of premium wines and spirits. From its Spanish origin, it is today one of the worldwide leading companies in the sector, with a portfolio of more than 15 brands operating in more than 80 countries.
Priority Brands

Complementary Brands

We have the best team and with continuous skill-development, support and autonomy it will remain as such.
The consumer is at the center of everything we do. We have a single goal: help him/her taste every moment better.
The quality and passion for our brands are second to none.
Our key is to surprise and continuously connect with consumers with innovative ideas, products and experiences. We should always be the first.
While there are no colonies on Mars, we will settle for reaching the last corners of Earth.
Being more agile and faster than the competition is, along with quality, the only way to succeed.
Digital transformation is the next exciting challenge offering improvements in our way of working and relating to consumer.