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Zamora Company has been selected to be part of CRE100DO, a Spanish Foundation that helps medium-sized companies to become bigger, through different meetings and activities. CRE100DO's mission is to develop a lobby of reference for the growth of companies, spreading high-impact business concepts and best practices. In this way it contributes to the development of the Spanish productive model, so that it evolves towards a model based on companies with more added value, more innovative character, more competitive and more internationalized.

Why have they selected ZAMORA COMPANY to be part of this association?

After analyzing our company, they have considered that we have the basis to continue growing, and they can help and inspire us in that path that we have already achieved.

Being part of CRE100DO (Growing, in Spanish) requires being a Spanish company, having a turnover of between € 50 and € 300 million, with a clear and defined company project, and that acts as a tractor company of the association, requirements that The Zamora Company complies perfectly.

Large companies such as the Bankinter Foundation, Argal, Bimba and Lola, Cristian Lay, GMV, JOMA, Joselito, Natura Bisse, Palacios or Unode50 among many other leading organizations, and are already part of CRE100DO.

Thanks to its inclusion in CRE100DO, different people from Zamora Company, starting with our CEO, Emilio Restoy, will benefit from the different activities, participating in workshops and training seminars, sharing experiences with some of the most important companies and entrepreneurs of the country, and providing an unpayable training to grow our company. Workshops on inspiration, best practices developed by leading companies in their sector, training in topics such as internationalization, talent management, digital transformation or sustainability will be some of the axes of action of this group.

Because if we want to go quickly we can make the road alone, but if we want to go further, it is better to do it together.


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