BORN OF NATURE D.O. Ribera del Duero. It’s all a question of time, of knowing how to listen and read the signs of nature.

Cruz de Alba

WinesCruz de Alba

BORN OF NATURE D.O. Ribera del Duero. It’s all a question of time, of knowing how to listen and read the signs of nature.

Cruz de Alba is a boutique winery, excellence and complexity in the golden mile of the Ribera del Duero. This is how Cruz de Alba was born, an exceptional wine that collects the qualities of the natural environment that surrounds it.


A different look to the DO Ribera del Duero wines. Elegance and complexity where the action of nature always defines its style.


The particularities of this terroir usually identify the finest and most elegant wines.


A key reference to understand the new style in the Ribera del Duero.

Portfolio Cruz de Alba

Cruz de Alba

Cruz de Alba


Cruz de Alba

Cruz de Alba


Cruz de Alba

Cruz de Alba

Finca Los Hoyales

Owned brands

Ramón Bilbao
Mar de Frades
Cruz de Alba
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