Yellow Rose, the Urban Craft Whiskey.

Yellow Rose

SpiritsYellow Rose

Yellow Rose, the Urban Craft Whiskey.

Yellow Rose is First legal Distillery in the city of Houston, TX. Inspired by the legend of Emily West, the Yellow Rose of Texas, we make Yellow Rose Whiskeys for the independent, and those who forge their own path.


Our Outlaw Bourbon is handcrafted in small batches with 100% local sourced corn to create an unexpectedly great flavor.


PREMIUM AMERICAN WHISKEY: Great on ice and perfect for simple mixed drinks. For those just discovering better Whiskey and having a good time with friends.

RYE WHISKEY: Amazing for classic cocktails as the Old-Fashioned in a modern setting out in town. For those experimenting with great Whiskey drinking a classic cocktail in Style.

OUTLAW BOURBON: The best for sipping neat while relaxing at home with your best friend or enjoying a rewarding moment in your favorite steakhouse. For those who know about Whiskey and want the best reward. It makes a great Manhattan too.


Yellow Rose Whiskey is really successful back home in the city of Houston and making great in-roads in the rest of its home state of Texas and in other 10 USA markets

Owned brands

Villa Massa
Martin Miller's Gin
Yellow Rose

Distributed brands

San Cosme
Volteo Tequila
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