D.O.Ca. RIOJA Awarded as the best Spanish winery of 2014 by the IWSC. A utopia to not stop growing.

Ramón Bilbao

WinesRamón Bilbao

D.O.Ca. RIOJA Awarded as the best Spanish winery of 2014 by the IWSC. A utopia to not stop growing.

One day Ramón Bilbao found the answer; wine would be the currency that would allow him to travel the entire world. During months he dedicated his time to calculate routes, winds, temperatures and to select his best wines for the expedition, and in spring of 1924 he departed for strange lands.


Founded in 1924, in 1999 Bodegas Ramón Bilbao began its journey with the help of Zamora Company. A journey in constant movement.


A trip that goes on enjoying those flavors that life sometimes gives us. Flavors that are born on a vine and sprout in your glass.


A history shared since 1924 in a journey that we do together in RIOJA and RUEDA.

Portfolio Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao


Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Límite Norte

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Límite Sur

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Viñedos de Altura

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Reserva Original

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Limited edition

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Verdejo sobre Lías

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Gran reserva

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao


Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Organic Rioja

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Organic Verdejo

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao


Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao


Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Sauvignon Blanc

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao


Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Lalomba Finca Lalinde

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Lalomba Finca Laderos

Ramón Bilbao

Ramón Bilbao

Lalomba Finca Valhonta

Owned brands

Ramón Bilbao
Mar de Frades
Cruz de Alba
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